Promote wellness in your company!
If you care about your employees' health and personal development and wish to integrate wellbeing as a genuine value into your company's culture, Konki advises you in the elaboration of your overall wellness programme.
Konki proposes solutions adapted to any company type, size or sector.
Following a thorough analysis of the situation, objectives and needs within your company, we propose an customised programme made up of relevant seminars or teambuilding activities and/or regular workshops and group classes.The proposed activities and services also factor in the profile and abilities of your employees to meet their needs and bring them relaxation, pleasure and satisfaction.
We can also manage your company's full program thanks to our dedicated team of professionals and "Konki Club", our on-line reservation system.
The program is regularly evaluated and adapted following internal staff satisfaction surveys.
Our services include
- Teambuilding activities (orientation race, run&bike, build in harmony, the green and blue race,...)
- personal development seminars (work / life balance, stress management,...),
- sports activities & group classes (' start to run ', Nordic walking, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Tai chi),
- health & wellness workshops (massage, relaxation, nutrition),
- seated massage...