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Dynamic Seniors

NEW SEASON - Starting 04/09/2023

Our activity will allow you to maintain and develop your physical capacities as well as to have the pleasure of meeting each week for a session with friends in a pleasant setting and a friendly atmosphere. Don't forget to take your sports equipment, dumbbells, straps and drinks.

The annual fee is set at the sum of € 105 to be paid to the account of the ASBL or at the reception of the Calypso swimming pool.

As a reminder, a medical certificate attesting to your aptitude to practice the gymnastics course must be submitted as soon as possible after registration.

Monday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. all year round (except during school holidays)

Boitsfort Center School, place Andrée Payfa-Fosseprez, 2, 1170 Brussels



Mr. Elias Sels



- € 105 to be paid on the account of the ASBL PARC SPORTIF DES TROSI TILLEULS

- Bank account : IBAN BE42 0680 3287 6054, mentioning "Dynamic Seniors + your NAME".

- Payment also possible at the reception of the Calypso swimming pool.


Piscine CALYPSO2000

Horaire adapté - Samedi 05/04/2025

La piscine sera ouverte uniquement de 08h à 14h; ceci afin de permettre l'organisation de l'épreuve d'AQUATHLON du RCBT. Merci pour votre compréhension.

AQUATHLON (Compétition)

Aquathlon du RCBT - 16ème. Edition

Le RCBT organise la 16ème. Edition de son Aquathlon le Samedi 5 avril 2025, à partir de 14h.

🏆 Cette épreuve qui fait partie du Challenge des Jeunes de la Ligue Francophone de Triathlon se déroulera à la Piscine Calypso et dans l'enceinte du Parc Sportif des Trois Tilleuls à partir de 14h00.

👏 Venez nombreux découvrir cette discipline mêlant "Natation " et "Course à pied 🏃" et encourager les nombreux pratiquants.

Infos : Aquathlon RCBT – RCBT

Nos infrastructures

The Swimming Pool

Swimming School
The Calypso swimming pool is open all year round

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9 outdoor courts:
6 gravel courts + 3 french courts
3 indoor couverts

Tennis School

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Sportshall with 420 seats.

Enables all standard indoor sports: basketball, mini-foot, indoor football, volleyball, hockey, handball, tennis, badminton.

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The Stadium

The Sports Park includes
3 football pitches
(2 synthetic: one mixed rugby and one grass)
as well as one athletics track

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